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Englisch Grammatik C2
1. Choose the best answer. Jason thinks of the possibilities for Farah’s career as an employee. _____ ,  ______
2. Choose the sentence that connects the sentences logically: They have a strong relationship with _____ . _____ a relationship of strength and dignity.
3.  _______, I would like to compensate my workers more. I am not sure if the shareholders will like my proposal,______ .
Choose the best sentence. Jason, you need to stop watching videos on the internet and focus! ________                    
5. Choose the best sentence. I understand that you have put a great deal of effort into your work up until now. You have unquestionably worked very hard. Yet, _____ more efficiently on the project over the last couple of weeks. The project does not have to be done, but it  _____ further along by now.
6. Combine the following sentences with inversion for emphasis: You all are going to be introduced to a completely new branch of science. You all will be learning with the most advanced professors in the world.
7. Correctly combine the following sentences: I shall not accommodate any new tenants in my building. I should not be forced to do so.
8. John thought about his past work as a contractor for his favorite company.
9. Choose the best sentence. The old man looked at the young child with outpouring wisdom. The old man wanted to tell the tale of Robin Hood. He started his story: “ ______ .”
10. Combine the following sentences correctly without changing the meaning: My children may work hard if they want. It is not a concern of yours.
11. Choose the correct sentence. Alexandra described the plan to clean the dirty dishes and the moldy bathroom to her roommate Christopher. She wants Christopher to help, and she incentivizes him by telling that she plans to start but not finish before he arrives home:
12. Make the following sentence passive without changing the meaning: She told him to constantly brush up on new findings in the literature.
13. Choose the sentence with the correctly positioned adverbs.
14. Choose the correct sentence:
15. Abbreviate the following sentence properly: Whilst he was still not excited for his new position, he viewed his position as a sort of consolation prize that was better than the positions that his friends secured recently.
16. Choose the sentence that correctly converts the following sentence into passive: No one could stop him on the basketball court. Derrick Rose finished the game with fifty points.
17. Choose the sentence that correctly converts the following sentence into passive: The government used to think that the birth rate has artificially decreased from 1990 to today.
18. Could I have the kids’ attention please! _____ need to line up over here.
19. Combine the sentences properly without changing the meaning: I gathered the turtles into the container. The turtles did not like the confinement. The zoo director enforced a rule that the turtles must remain in the container anyways.
20. I cannot believe I met ____ ,  _____ and ____ at  ____  .
21. Choose the correct sentence:
22. Properly punctuate the following: I enjoy what you are doing  ____ I think it may not help you achieve your goal.
23. Jason tripped to the ground and laid there             . He then laughed and continued the game with friends without wounds.
24. Choose the incorrect alternative to the following statement: Our tour guide was incredibly well experienced for his age.
25. Find an appropriate alternative for the following sentence without changing the meaning: The report assumed that the election results had been counted correctly.
26. Choose the best sentence:
27. I want to improve the financial stability in my life. Even though it costs ____, I plan on reading books over internet articles even though the books have _____ information. At any rate, it would not hurt to have a ___books around.
28. All colors fascinate me, so I think you should pick _____ you like.
29. Abbreviate the following sentences without changing the meaning: She is training at a rapid pace. She will surely win the world championships when they take place next August.
30. Jane had a fantastic tournament. Jane was very pleased with _____ each time she hit the target in front of ______ .
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